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1.2 Background of Study

Home and office automation is currently a new growing field in Science. The goal of this

automation is to control the house and office elements such as lights in order to save

energy and raise the quality of living; also to make life easier some SMS Home and

Office applications are designed. Automation is the use of control systems and

information technologies to reduce the need for human work in the production of goods

and services with advancement of technology things are becoming simpler and easier for us. In the scope of industrialization automation is a step beyond mechanization whereas

mechanization provided human operators with machinery to assist them with the

muscular requirements of work; automation greatly decreases the need for human sensory

and mental requirements as well. Automation plays an increasingly important role in the

world economy and in daily experience. Automatic systems are being preferred over

manual system Usha et al. (2012). Through this project we have tried to show automatic

control of a household and office appliance as a result of which power is saved to some


Home and Office Automation System is the control of any or all electrical devices in our

home and office whether we are there or away. Home and Office Automation System is

one of the most exciting developments in technology for the home and office that has

come along in decades. There are hundreds of products available today that allow us

control over the devices automatically either by remote control or even by voice

command. Home and Office Automation System also called domestics is the residential

extension of "building automation" Home and Office Automation System may include

centralized control of lighting heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)

appliances and other systems to provide improved convenience comfort energy

efficiency and security. Disabled can provide increased quality of life for persons who

might otherwise require caregivers or institutional care. A Home and Office Automation

System integrates electrical devices in a house with each other. Devices may be

connected through a computer network to allow control by a personal computer and may

allow remote access from the internet. Typically a new home is outfitted for home

automation during construction due to the accessibility of the walls outlets and storage

rooms and the ability to make design changes specifically to accommodate certain

technologies. Wireless systems are commonly installed when outfitting a preexisting

house as they reduce wiring changes Gojos et al. (2004).

These communicate through the existing power wiring radio or infrared signals with a

central controller. Network sockets may be installed in every room like AC power

receptacles. Although automated homes of the future have been staple exhibits for

World's Fairs and popular backgrounds in science fiction complexity competition

between vendors multiple incompatible standards and the resulting expense have limited

the penetration of home automation to homes of the wealthy or ambitious hobbyists

Chutia et al.(2010).

Earlier we looked into the face of future when we talked about automated devices which

could do anything on instigation of a controller but today it has become a reality.

i. An automated device can replace good amount of human working force moreover

humans are more prone to errors and in intensive conditions the probability of

error increases whereas an automated device can work with diligence versatility

with almost zero error.

ii. Replacing human operators in tasks that involve hard physical or monotonous

work. Replacing humans in tasks done in dangerous environments such as fire

space volcanoes nuclear facilities and underwater.

iii. Economy improvement; Automation may improve the economy of enterprises

society or most of humankind. For instance when an enterprise that has invested in

automation technology recovers its investment or when a state or country

increases its income due to automation like Germany or Japan in the 20th Century.

This is why this project looks into construction and implementation of a system

involving hardware to control a variety of electrical and electronics system

performing tasks that are beyond human capabilities of size weight speed


1.2 Statement of the Problems

A typical control system such as SMS Based Home and Office automation system which

consists of both transmitters (TX) and the receiver (RX) was considered for improvement

by using the GSM modem. This control method is restricted to only when an appliance is

kept ON or OFF through the transmitters (TX) on the device and the receiver (RX) at the

modem only become functional at that instant.

For improved way of operating the appliance a GSM modem can serve as the gateway

between the receiver at one end and the transmitter that sends the SMS commands to

activate the appliance either to be OFF or ON from a possibly far distance where the

network can cover.

1.3 Motivation

Due to technological advancement in electronics and telecommunication the design and

construction of SMS Based Home and Office automation system project work was

motivated by the availability of devices such as microcontroller and GSM Modem which

in it is embedded different sub-electronic systems like universal asynchronous receive

transmit (USART) timer and counter circuits. Availability of GSM modem which can

serve as transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) in the GSM modem system and relay

switches attributed to come up with a design of this sort project.

1.4 Aim and Objectives

i. Main aim of the SMS Based Home and Office Automation System is to develop an

electronic application which used GSM mobile technology that keeps control of

two different electronics devices this system execute clear output according to the

massage send by the mobile phone. By this SMS Home and Office Automation

System project we will not only remotely control various electronic appliances but

also ensure firm security of these devices.

ii. To familiarize the student with a retrieved new device in microcontroller.

iii. To make student to master the art of constructing electronic system by handling

electronic tools and components.

iv. To also teach the student the basic PIC programming with view to meet the future

challenge’s ahead in industries.

1.5 Methodology

In order to achieve the objectives of the project the following works were carried out;

i. Design and develop the hardware of the proposed system.

ii. Develop and control program of the proposed system.

iii. Conduct appropriate tests for the proposed system.

The approach employed in the design and construction of the SMS Home and

Office Automation System is based on having a transmitting end (TX) which sends

the SMS command. Since it’s all about working with the GSM network a receive

end (RX) is also involved which is also a GSM modem that receives the SMS

command. The SMS control is meant to extract the message command from the

receiver process it and use its processed data to activate or deactivate reset

devices and appliances. Figure 1.1 shows the block diagram of the method

employed in the design of the SMS Based Home and Office Automation System.

1.6 Limitation

The capacity of this project is such that it’s able to control two devices either ON OFF

or Resets them. It has the ability to send feedback message to the sender of the command

the status of the operation being executed. The distances it can be operated from is

limitless provided there are GSM services available at both transmitting and receive ends.

The short command of the SMS based lies in the quality of service provided by the GSM

network providers. In times of epileptic signals the GSM modem might not be able to

communicate with the transmitter that is the sender of SMS commands.

1.7 Outline of Report

The project consists of five chapters and its contents can be summarized as follow:

Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    national diploma (nd)

Additionnal content

Table of content
Cover page

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